Rational Reasoning: or, Hello, to the other side

As we enter the political season, it becomes abundantly clear that we – as a nation – are not especially good at looking at a situation from a perspective different from our own. This is not a political blog, and so I allude to politics only so I can say this: I am trying to understand the other side.

I recognize there is one.

And I have been criticized both to my face (and for that I thank you) and behind my back for being overtly one sided. To some extent, that is because I can only access information on one side. For example, upon running the story involving child pornography, if you recall, the perpetrator transferred to Lincoln University. Lincoln University is bound by law to respect the privacy of their students – so it wasn’t especially surprising to hear, “We are not allowed to give out any information on former students” (quote verbatim) from their office when I called to ask. I doubt I could get the justification from a court of law for a subpoena (which is how that information would be obtained), particularly as this publication isn’t written by any “real” media outlet (i.e. St. Louis Post Dispatch, Riverfront Times, etc).

If St. Louis Christian College refuses to respond when I reach out – regarding this or any future posting – I cannot post their response.

Now, again, alluding back to the child porn case, it is possible that there was some sort of “under the table communication” so that somehow St. Louis Christian College alerted Lincoln University of the nature of the crime (and yes, child pornography is a crime). But I doubt it.

But I could be wrong. There is always that possibility.

However, the evidence suggests SLCC never notified Lincoln University of this: a whistleblower felt publicly shamed when the then-President of SLCC wrote an article in The Lookout about the situation. Additionally, the perp himself attributed SLCC’s actions to be more in line with avoiding legal trouble than anything else. Here is the article that appeared in The Lookout: 

Lookout Article.png… … … …

And then…because…we’re all theology majors here…there comes this rather awkward elephant in the room: what would Jesus do?

Well. Sadly, Jesus can fit into whatever mold we want Him to fit into, can’t he?

You want a Warrior Jesus? Revelation, my friend, Revelation.

You want a Social Justice Jesus? The Gospels, especially Luke and Matthew, my friend.

You want an Angry Jesus? The turning over of the tables in the temple, my friend.

You want an Anti-Capitalist and Hippy Jesus? The Gospels, my friend.

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If you come to realize that the Jesus you picture does nothing to offend you or challenge you or change you…there’s a decent probability that isn’t a theologically sound Jesus. 

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Here is what I do know about Jesus:

He lived in a different world than we did. This means when He said “render to Caesar what was Caesar’s and God what is God’s”…it is different in today’s world. We live in a country that prides itself on freedom and capitalism. Which means while yes, we are obligated to pay taxes (both legally and theologically), we also have avenues to challenge what and how our taxes are paid.

It’s why we have Democrats and Republicans;

It’s why people are upset about government funding going toPlanned Parenthood;

It’s why we discuss our politicians’ salaries (and teachers and other service workers, incidentally);

And that’s just the theological issues of taxes, Jesus, and government.

It doesn’t mean Jesus is irrelevant or no longer worthy of study since our eras are so far removed….but…it does mean the blanket statement, “Jesus would _________.” isn’t going to cut it. On either side.

But. I remember reading about a Man who walked to the man who could not walk to the pool of Bethesda – and healed him; this same Man was interrupted by another man lowered through the roof;  in fact, this Man’s life was characterized by interruptions.

….By things that weren’t convenient;

….By the uncomfortable;

….By the questions.

And He welcomed them. He told the children to come to Him (and, trust me, there is no group more full of constant interruptions than children).

Jesus walked with the lame – those crippled by Rome and the Legalism of the Judaism…as well as those who could not walk.

Jesus walked with the blind – those who could not see beyond the brutality of Rome and those who could not see the brutality of the spiritual abuse they inflicted on others…and those who could not see.

Jesus walked with the sick – those who had unexplained bleeding, leprosy, and Heaven knows what else. He talked to the spiritually sick…and he asked “the well” who needed a doctor, really.

Jesus walked with the greedy and the giving; the traitor working for Rome and the Jewish zealot; the learned doctor and the not-so learned fishermen; Jesus walked with women.

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And so. If I’m going to error, I want to error on the side of compassion. I want to error by keeping the company Jesus kept. I want to error on the side of calling out spiritual abuse when I see it. I want to error on the side of love.

….and let us remember, once again, the audience to whom Jesus had the harshest words. It’s easy to forget…but when Angry Jesus turned over tables in the temple…He drove everyone out. But his harshest words were reserved for those actually receiving the money.

The expectations of the crowd were frequently at odds with the actions of Jesus; yet, I contend, the actions of Jesus were more profoundly at odds with the expectations of the religious elite – those religious leaders contributed to the environment and culture that resulted in surprise at basic compassion.

To be clear, I am not Jesus. I have not lived a perfect life and my idea of sacrifice is letting my husband pick our restaurant for the night.

And, I am not convinced either the Trustees or the Administration of SLCC is The Sanhedrein in disguise.

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But again, I have to make decisions based on what makes sense here and now.

Over the next few weeks, I will be chronicling the methods different people have used in order to gain a conversation with the trustees. Some of these conversations have taken place. Some of these conversation were planned, but never actually realized. I will also present evidence articulating why I cannot keep my mouth closed….even if my information is incomplete or not representative of all sides. It will be as representative as it can legally be – it is as complete as the parties involved wish it it to be. Moreover, IF something does come to light that changes the facts, I will be the first person publicizing it from the roof tops. 

I have not seen concrete steps taken to correct the wrongs and the mismanagement of various kinds of harassment at SLCC. In fact, I have seen an overwhelming desire to shield the reputations of all those involved, particularly the administration and absolve them from wrongdoing.

This is not a vendetta. Honestly, I am getting my master’s degree in a completely different field and for a whole litany of reasons, I do not think my professional future lies in any kind of vocational ministry. In other words, I have nothing either to gain or lose with what I say or do regarding SLCC. This is not a personal attack Natalie is waging against the school because of some wrong done against me. In fact, I do not personally feel wronged by the school. 

But. It is precisely my conviction to follow Jesus that obligates me to speak for other when they cannot speak for themselves – to speak for the poor and the oppressed. (Proverbs 31) Overwhelmingly, that is the life Jesus lived – and died – demonstrating.

Thus, I would say this blog is not so much standing against SLCC so much as it is standing for victims.

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1,336 words later….let me tell you what is coming:

More stories. And a survey. I will be conducting a survey amongst the alumni of SLCC (whether you graduated or not) and compiling that data…mostly so I can know what direction to take investigations, but also to know if I am predominantly alone…and because…well. In a capitalist economy, data drives money; money drives….everything. So. I will keep you posted as that evolves and transpires.

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